Monday, May 20, 2013

Summer Blockbuster Season

The summer months are when the movie studios release some of the most anticipated films of the year. Big budget action and special effect films, stunning animated and CGI family films, and star filled comedies, and sequels to well known franchises will the marque lights throughout the dog days of summer. You might not think of going to the movies to be a popular summer activity, but come those 90 degree and humid days you can't bare to step outside and away to the air conditioning - a movie theater is a great place to spend a few hours.

Movies like "Iron Man 3", "Star Trek Into Darkness", and "The Great Gatsby" were some of the early blockbusters to hit theaters, each racking in big crowds and ticket sales for their opening weekends. With heavy hitters like "The Man of Steel", "The Hangover part 3", "Fast and the Furious 6", "The Internship", "Monsters University", "Grown Ups 2", and "The Wolverine" still to come, the summer of 2013 surely has a film that will appeal to anyone. So I'm curious what movies you're all looking forward to seeing the most this summer?

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