Monday, January 14, 2013

My love for Cinema

My love for films began on my 6th birthday. As part of my birthday gift, my parents took me to the movies. While it wasn't the very first time I saw a movie in the theaters, it was the first time that I got to pick what movie we went to see. Peter Pan had always been my favorite story as a child and I had watched the Disney version more times than I can recall. So it was an easy decesion for me when I told my parents I wanted to see "Hook".

That birthday could not have gone by any slower. Even after getting home from school, I sat for hours next to the front door waiting to see my father to get home from work. I knew as soon as he got home, we were heading straight to the movies. When the lights finally dimmed, I sat in that movie theater watching real life actors fly through the air and a heroic Peter Pan battle one of the most notorious villains ever created. I didn't want to blink in fear that I might miss a single second of the movie. What was happening on the screen in front of me was a form of magic that until that night I was unaware of. I left that theater a victim of the power of cinema. Over twenty years later, my love for film making has only grown with age and It's been a joy being able to share my love for films with my readers through this blog.

Steven Spielberg's "Hook" took a unique twist on the fairytale of Peter Pan. The story focuses on an adult Peter Pan rather than the young boy who vows never to become a man. Peter Pan, played by Robin Williams, has grown up and has long forgotten who he really is. A workaholic layer who puts everything on hold to devote himself to his job, Peter's own children are growing up without him even noticing. Upon his return home to London with his family to visit his wife's grandmother, Wendy (yes that Wendy), Peter's two children are kidnapped. The culprit is none other than Captain James Hook (Dustin Hoffman) who tries to lure his nemesis back to Neverland. Peter will have to remember his past to save his children from the clutches of Hook and his band of pirates. "Hook" still remains one of my favorite films to this day and is one I'm happy to share with any of you who might not have seen it.


  1. Do you have a mentor, a movie reviewer you learn from and admire?

    1. I don't have a movie reviewer mentor. When I write my reviews I just try to give a description of the movie without giving too much of the plot away.

  2. I'm looking for a new career.

    How would you suggest learning how to write movie reviews?

    What is my goal when writing a review?

    1. My goal when I write a review is to give the reader enough information to determine whether they'd like to see the film or not. I'm also very careful not to reveal any spoilers to the movie's plot.

  3. Your love for the cinema is very evident in your writing. what a joy to read.

    1. I appreciate that comment very much. Many thanks to you for reading!

  4. Are there any lessons to be learned from this movie?

    1. Enjoy life. A job is a job, family and friends are what matters most in this world. Before Peter remembered who he was, his job was more important to him than being there for his children. Just because we grow older, doesn't mean we have to grow up. If we all acted like a child at heart more often, I think the world would be a happier place.

    2. Fantastic insight. Perhaps include a paragraph like the above in your reviews???

  5. Does this movie inspire any culinary concoctions?

    1. Not any healthy ones ha-ha. In the dinner scene when Peter is with the lost boys and they imagine the food on the table it's full of cakes, pies, and bowls full of colorful icing. As a six year old watching that, I thought how awesome it would be to have a huge bowl of vanilla frosting for dinner! But then again, what six year old wouldn't??? Ha-Ha

  6. I can't wait for Wednesday to read more!!
