Monday, August 19, 2013

Movie Review - Mud

When two young friends Ellis (Tye Sheridan) and Neckbone (Jacob Lofland) go to investigate a boat suspended high in a tree that Neckbone and his uncle discovered. The two teens claim the boat as their own until they quickly discover signs that someone is living inside the boat. On their way back to the river, they see a mysterious man (Matthew McConaughey) standing by shore. The man who wears dirty clothes and appears to have been in hiding for sometime asks the two young boys for help, the unknown factor gets the best of the boys. They soon find out the mans name is Mud and that he's waiting for the right time to escape off the island and reunite with his girlfriend Juniper (Reese Witherspoon).

Not all is as it seems when Ellis finds out the state troopers are searching for Mud because he had killed a man in Texas. Events begin to escalate as Mud sees his window of opportunity to reunite with Juniper and get to safety begin to close. Ellis and Neckbone begin to question whether or not Mud is who he says he is as their own safety becomes a factor as they risk everything to help him. Sam Shepard, Michael Shannon, and Ray McKinnon costar is the gripping drama that keeps you guessing and waiting for the next twist.

Mud is a classic coming of age story at it's core. The added mystery of who Mud really is will keep you guessing until the end. It's not without it's slow moments here and there but the suspense of the film holds the audience tight and never allows you to stop wondering how things will end. Matthew McConaughey may be a long shot when it comes to movie award season, mostly because they tend to forget about movies released earlier in the year, but his performance is worth the praise. If anyone questioned his acting talent, Mud will reassure you that McConaughey is a better actor than some of his films he stars in show him to be.

The two young actors Tye Sheridan and Jacob Lofland are by no means hidden in the shadows of Matthew McConaughey and the other well known stars in the film. The young actors strive in their roles as two young Southern boys not only battling through adolescence but also the continued mystery and danger surrounded by their mysterious friend. Tye Sheridan especially is truly outstanding in his role and we may witness the rise of an upcoming grade A actor. Writer and director Jeff Nichols also should garner attention for both an excellent screenplay and his artful direction.

Bottom line is, Mud was not commercialized upon it's release and wasn't sent to many of the movie theaters around the world. Released at the Cannes film festival, it was an immediate hit and the praise for this film is not overrated. It's a movie that's heartfelt at it's core and suspenseful and gritty the whole way through. Click here to watch the trailer for Mud and be sure to be see this movie for yourself in the very near future.


  1. OMG!!!! I was so surprised how good this movie was!

    1. Wasn't it really great?? I don't live near a large city so this movie never came to one of my local theaters and I wanted to see it so much! I was so excited when I bought it on bluray and the film was everything I hoped it would be! Like I said, might be forgotten when it comes to award season but this gets my vote of best film of 2013 so far!!

  2. Matthew McConaughey definitely deserves praise for this!!

    1. I completely agree with you!!! His best work to date.
