Friday, July 26, 2013

French Style Potato Salad

There is a fine line for me when it comes to the amount of mayonnaise. With that being said I obviously have never been a fan of most potato salads with a mayo base to them, not to mention most of them have hard boiled eggs - my nemesis!!! I was thrilled a few years back when I was introduced to French potato salad which has a Dijon vinaigrette base to it, diced shallots, and a ton of fresh herbs. It's the perfect side dish for a picnic and any summertime meal. You can use any potatoes you have on hand, but I personally think red potatoes taste better, look better because you can leave the skins on, and they hold up better in this salad.

1 lb of potatoes (Red potatoes work best)
1 large shallot
1 tablespoon of freshly chopped Dill
1 tablespoon of freshly chopped Chives
1/3 cup of olive oil
3 tablespoons of white wine vinegar
1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard
Kosher Salt and Black Pepper
Fresh Flat Leaf Parsley

Cut the potatoes into even bite sized cubes so they cook evenly. If you're using baby potatoes, just cutting them in half will do. Fill a pot large enough to hold all the potatoes with water and drop the potatoes in. Optionally, add a little white wine and chicken stock or bullion to the potato water to give them more flavor. Cook until the potatoes are just cooked through (Tender when pierced).

While the potatoes are cooking, cut the shallot into small dices and set aside. To make our dressing, whisk the oil, vinegar, mustard, the fresh dill and chives, and the salt and pepper together until the dressing emulsifies.

Drain the potatoes and allow them to cool for a few minutes. Place the potatoes in a large bowl and pour about 1/2 of our dressing over the warm potatoes and gently toss together. Let the potatoes cool for a few more minutes before adding the rest of our dressing, the shallots, and the parsley. Toss gently together and season to taste. You can serve the salad warm, room temperature, or cold!


  1. What a lovely alternative to the original we all know to well! I will be making this for my next summer picnic.

    1. It's great option for any picnic because you don't have worry so much about it spoiling if it gets warm. It's much lighter and healthier than the typical potato salad as well.

  2. What makes it French?

    1. The Dijon mustard is a classic French Ingredient. This potato salad recipe closely resembles the classic way it's prepared in France and other European countries.

  3. Your photos are always excellent but today that wisk caught my eye. I have never seen one like that.

    Good recipe too!

    1. That whisk is actually a French Style whisk. I like to use it when I'm making dressings because this particular one I have is a bit smaller than my other whisk that has the more commonly recognized shape.

    2. They're also referred to as Spring whisks because of their shape.

  4. We are more pasta salad people can I use this dressing for pasta salad too?

    1. This dressing would work just fine for a pasta salad or even for a nice garden salad.
